Volunteers are an integral part of the Habitat model. Our work simply couldn’t happen without volunteers!
WCHFH will start using Volunteer Easy to post volunteer opportunities and track volunteer hours. Check out our current volunteer opportunities at https://volunteereasy.com/Site/WarrenCountyHabitatforHumanity10798/SearchOpportunity#/. You can complete the volunteer application and liability waiver on the site and sign-up for alerts when new opportunities are posted.
Want to find out more about volunteering with Habitat, join our Volunteer Information Sessions the last Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. and last Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. Send an e-mail to info@warrencountyhabitat.org to request the Zoom meeting link.
For the safety of our volunteers and partners, all volunteers will be checked against the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Registry and key volunteers are required to have a criminal background check.
Email : info@warrencountyhabitat.org
Phone : 540-551-3232
Address : 109 Water St, PO Box 323, Front Royal, VA 22630
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