With the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions through Governor Northam’s Forward Virginia Plan, Warren County Habitat for Humanity, Inc. (WCHFH) will begin implementing plans to reopen its office and resume programming.
The WCHFH Office will reopen by appointment only at its new location at 109 Water Street on June 1. Normal office hours (Mon-Fri 10-2) will resume June 15. The Habitat office will have hand sanitizer and masks available for clients and visitors. Frequently touched surfaces, such as door handles, desks, chairs, etc. will be wiped with anti-bacterial/viral cleaners after each use.
Construction and repair sites will be open to volunteer groups beginning June 15. Volunteer groups on the construction site will be limited to 10 people or less. Volunteer groups on repair sites will be kept to a minimum size for work to be completed. All volunteers and contractors will be asked to review signs of infection and certify that they are not showing signs of infection, have not been infected with Covid-19, and have had no known exposure to Covid-19 each day they work on a site. Volunteers, staff, and contractors may be asked to undergo temperature screening before being allowed onsite. Volunteers, staff, contractors, and clients will be asked to maintain six-foot social distancing guidelines on site. Volunteers, contractors, and staff will be required to wear masks on site. Hand sanitizer and masks will be provided at all construction and repair sites.
The repair program suspension will end June 1. Repairs that were on hold will be completed. Applications for our repair programs will be accepted from June 1-15, with application review and property inspections to occur June 15-26. Work on new repairs would begin late July to early August, utilizing guidelines above. The repair team leader will be provided with masks, hand sanitizer, cleaning wipes, and health certification forms for their crew members. Repair clients are asked to maintain physical distance from repair team members and/or to wear a mask when interacting closely with repair team members.
The johnny blue on the construction site will be kept locked unless it must be used, then the door handle and any surface a person is likely to have touched must be wiped with an antibacterial/antiviral cleaner. Hand sanitizer, masks, and cleaning supplies will be kept in the trailer to be accessed by volunteer crews working on the site.
Beginning June 1, meetings, orientations, and classes of less than 10 people may be held at the new WCHFH office. After July 1, in-person board meetings, committee meetings, volunteer orientations, and homeowner classes will resume (or begin), provided Phase 2 of the Forward Virginia Plan allows for gatherings of 10 or more people. (Staff and leadership will explore hybrid model for some situations, where individuals could participate in the same meeting/training remotely or in-person.) Hand sanitizer and masks will be provided to all in-person participants at the office. Staff and board members will be sensitive of others’ health and concerns regarding the Covid-19 situation, and wear masks and maintain social distancing when holding in-person meetings for WCHFH business.
WCHFH takes the health and safety of our volunteers and partners seriously. WCHFH staff will continue to monitor statistics and guidance issued by the local, state, and federal governments as Phase 1 of Forward Virginia is implemented. These extra precautions will continue until data and guidelines indicate a marked and stable decrease in infection rates. If the situation warrants changes to this plan, WCHFH will make announcements via our website at and our Facebook page at regarding changes or adjustments to our programs and opportunities.
Warren County Habitat for Humanity, Inc. remains committed to addressing the issue of affordable homeownership in our community. As the current health crisis persists, our economically vulnerable neighbors will need help and support. Warren County Habitat hopes those community members that are able will continue to support Habitat and the other social service organizations in our community supporting low income families and those affected by the current health crisis and its aftereffects.
Email :
Phone : 540-551-3232
Address : 109 Water St, PO Box 323, Front Royal, VA 22630
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